Sunday, September 6, 2009

Signs of Food-Ish Weather

There is a lot of humour involved in the movie ‘Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs’. If you are going to watch this movie without having read the book, you will be surprised at the concepts and ideas used. The story line is wild or out of this world and the characters add to the uniqueness of the film.

The weather in the movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is nothing close to normal. Yes, there are weather changes off and on in the little town of Chewandswallow. It does get cloudy or bright. It also snows and rains out there. But, unlike the weather experienced by the real world, this town experiences burger storms, potato snow flakes, fruit juice rain and the like. “Ah… that’s why the title is so” -is what you might think. You are right. In the movie, this town also receives rain on a daily bases, thrice a day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner of course!

But did you think about the problems the people of this town might have to face with a natural phenomenon like this? It so happens, that the weather gets extremely beserk one day. What would you expect them to do? Do you expect them to save themselves by sailing on huge stale bread? Right again!

To paint a better picture of this movie, view the videos displayed at our website:

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