Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is an animated movie presented by Columbia Pictures together with Sony. This animated film inspired by a popular book for kids, focuses on a small town that doesn’t need to work for food. Pizzas, pastas, hotdogs - you name it. The most delicious and healthy foods fall from the sky from time to time. But this happens only in the sweet little town of Chewandswallow.
In the movie, Flint Lockwood (voiced by Bill Hader) is a young inventor looking to make things perfect and on the verge of improving the life of the people in his town. He invents many useful things like the spray-on shoes, the hair un-balder and also the interesting monkey thought translator that he uses on his best friend Stump, the monkey. This quirky inventor also lands up building a machine that causes food to rain from the sky! Mayor Shelbourne only concerned about the popularity of the town likes the idea of Flint’s machine. Just as Flint begins to receive the recognition he always longed for, the machine spirals out of control, stirring up a worldwide phenomenon. This results in excess amounts of food pouring and flooding the town. Watch the movie to find out more. Visit:
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is a fun and eccentric comedy suitable for all ages. Though the book was published for children, the movie stands as entertainment for the entire family. Catch videos, wallpapers and much more at a website specially created for the Middle East:
i watch cloudy movie through watch movies online splendid works! excellent 2D and 3D work.